Don't Forget to Remember...

Test? Steps for a Guaranteed A

The most frustrating thing for students is not remembering important information for tests. Students are constantly being tested in various subjects and are required to remember a lot of information. Last minute cramming is very common among students today. Some people just don't know how to study material effectively.

There is a systematic way that increases retention of information during tests. The following steps can be used over any amount of time before the test, whether that is a month, week, or just a day before the test.

Step 1: LEARN the information. Nothing can be remembered before it is learned. Read the information first and take notes later. By paying attention to the material right away, you are already beginning to process it. Paying attention also means that you are putting importance to the material which will make it easier to remember later on.

Step 2: TAKE NOTES. Take good notes on the information that is important. Do not take notes on everything because it is not necessary. By taking notes or highlighting specific/key information the information is being processed.

Step 3: ORGANIZE material. Organize the material in a way that makes it easy to remember. This can be done visually by concept maps or by just taking notes with headings and subheadings.

Step 4: REHEARSE. Go over the information and make connections. This is the time to use the different mnemonics and imagery techniques to practice the information. Make flash cards, acronyms, stories or whatever will help you remember the information during the test. While you are trying to make the mnemonic, you are encoding the material. Rehearsing the material will help store it in your brain.

Things to keep in mind while studying:

-Minimize Interference. Try not to have any distractions while you are preparing for the test. Study at a place that is quiet and where you will not be distracted. Avoid multitasking while you are trying to study. People remember better if they don't learn new material right before or after studying, so it is also good to go to sleep after studying material because you can't learn new material while sleeping.

-Distribute Practice. Avoid cramming; it is not effective. Even if you only have a day before the test, space out studying in short sessions over a period of time. Take small breaks to let the information sink in.

-Eat Properly. Studies have shown that eating healthy helps you remember more information when needed. Eat at the right time and don't skip meals. Make sure you eat breakfast on the day of the test.

-Get Adequate Sleep. The effects of sleep on people are endless. Studies show that remembering information is easier if you get the right amount of sleep. For most people that is eight hours of sleep. Don't just get sleep the night before the test, make sure you are sleeping well while you are reviewing material as well. Avoid pulling all-nighters because even if you don't feel bad the next morning, the effects of sleep deprivation catch up to you the following day.

-Relax. By staying calm both before and during the test you have a better chance of remembering more information.






Site created by Afsara Zaheed